Solar Eclipse!
This August marks an exciting time across the world and our area is in a prime location to commemorate this special event. August 21, 2017, the world will see daylight turn into darkness as the moon overtakes the sun for a brief period of time. What exactly is a solar eclipse? It is a celestial event where the moon will cross over the path of the sun blocking all or part of it for 3 to 4 hours. This particular eclipse will involve the moon blocking the sun completely for about 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Much of our area is in totality meaning that the sun will be completely blocked and viewers will experience a 360 degree sunset! The path of totality is only about 70 miles wide, so we are lucky to be in that path! Lincoln Beach, Oregon will mark the beginning of this phenomenon at 9:05 am PDT and Charleston, SC will mark the end of the total eclipse at 2:48 pm EDT. However, the lunar shadow will hang around until 4:09 pm EDT. There are several events in our area to partake...