Sevier County Residential Statistics
As Real Estate Agents The Derosia Team likes statistics. In particular, we like to compare the market from year to year. We would like to share some comparisons for 2006-2011 to show you how the market has changed. We focused on each individual area of Sevier County and the Volume Sold per area. Here are a couple visual aids to show the change in the Smoky Mountains. Volume of Sales for 2006-2011 This is the same information just a different representation of the data! Volume of Sales for 2006-2011 We also compared the total volume sold for Sevier County as a whole through 2006-2011. So as the economy suggest the market has dropped since 2006 & 2007. However on a positive note the market for 2008-2011 has been somewhat consistent in the Smoky Mountains with a slow rise in volume.