Winter is coming!!!

Colder weather is quickly approaching! It's time to dig out the scarves, coats, and gloves. You know how to get yourself ready for colder weather, but do you know how to prepare your home. Check out this blog post for some tips on winterizing your home. A little time and effort now, will you save you money later!


Replace or clean furnace filters once a month! Dirty filters decrease air flow and increase energy demand.

Ceiling fans:

Run them in reverse. Most of them have a switch located on the base to change the direction they circulate air. Counterclockwise direction provides cooling air while clockwise makes it warmer.

Hot Water Heater:

Turn down the hot water heater setting. Most are set at 140 degree Fahrenheit. If you lower it to 120 degrees, you could reduce water heating costs by 6 to 10 percent. 


Avoid losing 4 to 30% of your energy use by blocking areas with drafts. Simply place a rolled towel along drafty doors to help keep the heat in.


Turn down the thermostat when you aren't home. If you can't seem to remember, consider getting a programmable thermostat. For every degree you lower the thermostat, you could save 1-3 percent on your energy bill.

Seal the Sill:

Use caulking and weather stripping to seal leaks around your home. Take a close look at corners, around chimneys, along the foundation, and where pipes and wires exit.


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